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Ontario’s Very Own Regional Immigration Pilot

Ontario’s Very Own Regional Immigration Pilot

On December 20, 2019, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) announced that it will be starting a two-year Regional Immigration Pilot in 2020. The goal of this program is to fill labour shortages in the smaller and rural areas of Ontario, where local businesses are unable to meet their current labour market needs locally. The three communicates that have been elected for this pilot include Cornwall, Belleville/Quinte West and Chatham-Kent. Factors that were taken into consideration when selecting these communities include specific skilled labour challenges, the ability for each community to assist newcomers settle in, and interest from community stakeholders.

Ontario will be providing 150 nominations under the Employer Job Offer Steam Category, and therefore the applicable criteria for employers and prospective applicants will be the same as the stream. The major difference between the pilot and the existing program is that for the pilot, the job offer must be from one of the three communities.

For more information on Ontario’s Regional Immigration Pilot, or any immigration matter, contact or visit prmlaw. ca

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