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Increase In The Age Limit For Canadians And Australians To Participate In The International Experience Canada (IEC) Program

Increase in the Age Limit for Canadians and Australians to Participate in the International Experience Canada (IEC) Program

The age range to participate in the International Experience Canada (IEC) Program between Canada and Australia has been increased to include individuals between the ages of 18 to 35, instead of the previous 18 to 30 years age limit. On August 28, 2018, The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, and the Honourable Peter Dutton, Australia’s Minister for Home Affairs, made this announcement benefiting many Canadian and Australian youth in that particular age group. The IEC program allows individuals to travel abroad and gain valuable work experience in another country, while experiencing the country’s culture, history and lifestyle.

There are 34 partner countries and territories that participate in the IEC program, and they all have different age restrictions and requirements to qualify. Most countries such as Greece, Ireland, Croatia, Taiwan and Germany, to name a few, allow individuals to participate in the program until they are 35 years of age. On the other hand, Belgium, and Hong Kong, amongst others, allow individuals to participate in the program until they are 30 years of age. This increase in the age limit for Canadians and Australians is a positive change and is consistent with the age requirements of many other countries who also participate in the program. Additionally, Australia is a very much sought-after destination for Canadian youth through this program.

For further information on the International Experience Canada (IEC) Program or any Canadian immigration matters, please contact

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