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Job Match Service In Effect For Labour Market Impact Assessment Applications

Job Match Service In Effect for Labour Market Impact Assessment Applications

Many changes to the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) application have come into effect within the past few months. One of the most significant changes is the utilization of the Job Match service when posting an advertisement on the Job Bank, which is a mandatory advertising medium in almost all LMIA applications. Employers are now able to see the profiles of registered individual job seekers whose skills and requirements match those of the position an employer is seeking to fulfill. Matches are rated on a system of one to five stars, where the more stars a job seeker has the more compatible they are for the position.

Employers have an obligation to invite all job seekers who meet a minimum star rating for the position, within the first 30 days of the advertisement, to apply for the position. Job seekers with two or more stars for low-wage positions and job seekers with four or more stars for high-wage positions must be invited to apply for the position by the employer. This change is an additional step in the LMIA process imposed on employers to ensure that all job seekers, including Canadian permanent residents and Citizens, with the right skills and experience are given a fair opportunity to apply for and obtain these positions.

For further information regarding the Labour Market Impact Assessment Application or any Canadian immigration matters, please contact

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