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Pakistan Nationals Are Now Eligible For The Student Direct Stream (SDS)

Pakistan Nationals are Now Eligible for the Student Direct Stream (SDS)

The Student Direct Stream (SDS) allows individuals from certain countries to obtain a study permit usually within a 20-calendar day period. Legal residents from China, India, Philippines, Vietnam and as of July 26, 2019, Pakistan, who have accepted an offer from a designated learning institution are eligible to apply for a study permit under this program. Applicants must be able to prove that they have paid their first year of tuition fees, in addition to having a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) of CAN$10,000.00. Applicants must also submit their most recent school transcripts, along with proof of their English or French language test results. Other documents which must be submitted at the time of the application may include an upfront medical examination, and police certificates, in addition to any other country specific documents required according to the checklist. If biometrics are required, applicants should submit them as soon as the request has been made.

Canada is a much-desired country for individuals across the globe, especially students seeking a high level of education. Upon graduation, many international students are eligible for a work permit providing them with work authorization in Canada. This opportunity to work in Canada provides many with the chance to apply for and receive Canadian permanent residence over time. This long-term goal of becoming a Canadian Citizen or permanent residence for many does being with entering Canada on a temporary basis as a student and faster processing times facilitates a seamless process for international applicants.

For further information on the Student Direct Stream or any Canadian immigration matters, please contact

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