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Saskatchewan Increases Their Occupation In-Demand List

Saskatchewan Increases their Occupation In-Demand List

Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) has recently expanded their in-demand occupation list for their International Skilled Worker: Occupation in Demand sub-category.  Prospective applicants must show that they are eligible for this program by meeting all the program requirements, including obtaining a minimum language score, education credentials and providing proof of settlement funds. Applicants must also show that they have atleast one-year of work experience in the past ten-year period in a skilled profession, or two years of work experience in the past five-year period in a skilled trade, or twelve-months of Canadian work experience in the past three-year period. The above required work experience must be obtained in a high skilled occupation, determined by the National Occupation Classification (NOC) Matrix, and on the in-demand occupation list.

SINP has released a list of occupations that are ineligible for this program, allowing applicants whose occupations are not on the list to identify as eligible and suitable candidates for this program. They have identified these ineligible occupations by listing the ineligible NOC. This ineligible occupation list has expanded to excluding over 100 occupations, making over 200 occupations eligible for this program. The other benefit to this sub-category is that applicants do not require a job offer, and do not have to be present in Canada to apply. This provides applicants, who reside outside and inside of Canada, with the qualified work experience under an eligible occupation to potentially receive permanent residence through the SINP.

For further information on the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) or any Canadian immigration matters, please contact

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